Comments on: Beet, Mushroom, and Potato Casserole and Simple Salad Local Food and Drink Wed, 19 Sep 2018 00:23:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: kitchen'r jon Wed, 06 Apr 2016 01:09:27 +0000 Hey Max, glad you got a laugh out of it! I agree, this is not much of an easy recipe, although I really find that any casserole made from scratch is quite a bit of work. I guess that’s why it’s good to make extras to freeze. Maybe if this recipe substituted a ton of processed foods and pre-chopped veggies it would be quick and easy…. That’s the problem with eating real food. I hope it turns out well for you and is worth the trouble!

By: Max Wed, 06 Apr 2016 00:58:04 +0000 “You don’t want to lie about dinner.”

Haha. Thanks for the recipe and ending it with such a chuckle. Going to make this tonight for our lunch casserole that we eat all week – despite that I googled “easy” + “quick” casserole and with all the peeling, chopping mashing- it will not be quick at all.

By: Southern Ontario Local Menu Plan | The Local Kitchener Mon, 06 May 2013 10:16:42 +0000 […] Sunday afternoon we went for a hike at Rattlesnake Point which is on the Escarpment that looks out over Lake Ontario.  It was beautiful!  We joined two of Madame’s brothers and their spouses, had a lovely picnic, played some Frisbee and kicked around a soccerball, hiked, enjoyed the warmth of sun, and had a great time!  When we got home instead of doing our Cinco de Mayo feast we had guacamole (a mini, non-local celebration!) and a frozen Beet, Potato, & Mushroom Casserole. […]

By: Southern Ontario Local Menu Plan | The Local Kitchener Sat, 13 Apr 2013 14:34:59 +0000 […] Frozen Beet, Mushroom, Potato Casserole […]

By: Eating Local (Even in the Winter!) | TransitionKW Fri, 22 Mar 2013 08:45:12 +0000 […] Beet, Mushroom, and Potato Casserole […]
