New Year, New Site, and New [Blank] Book Giveaway!

This blog began a bit less than a year ago and in that time it has ebbed and flowed, much like the seasons around me.  I began blogging shortly after moving to Kitchener, Ontario with my wife and two young boys.  Prior to our move I was working full time as a teacher in Atlanta, Georgia.  Upon arriving here I became the stay-at-home parent while my wife went to work full time.

As much as I enjoyed my job teaching I was eager for a chance to be home with my boys and have more time to develop some of my favorite hobbies, like cooking and gardening.  I even added all sorts of new hobbies, the one that has absorbed most of my passion being homebrewing beer.

I have had a hard time pinning down just what I want this blog to be but have always focused on my main objective which is eating local food and making meal plans.  If you browse through the site you’ll find meal plans for all times of the year, always emphasizing locally grown foods.  That means that if you live in the Region of Waterloo, or Southern Ontario, or really most parts of North America you can follow along and hope to find most of the local foods that I’m using at roughly the same time of year.

Since moving the site from over here to I’ve been thinking a bit more about what I want to focus on. I will continue posting our meal plans anytime we make one, which should be almost every week, and will share locavore tips and skills as seems relevant.

In honor of the new site and the new year I’m giving away a homemade book that you can use for whatever you want!  Maybe it would be a good place to put meal plans.  Or keep track of kitchen experiments (which is what I use mine for).  Or just as a journal.  Or give it to a friend as a gift.  Or do something else, once it’s yours you decide what to do with it!


The catch: because I believe whole-heartedly in local living I’m not sending this book anywhere.  What???  Yeah, sorry, the contest is open to all but if you don’t live in Kitchener/Waterloo then you will need to be willing to come visit our awesome cities and meet me at a local cafe or restaurant sometime to claim your prize!  Ultimately I’m more interested in local community than in giving away free items to people across the continent.  I think I will continue local giveaways like this in the future as I make new items like homebrew (coming soon), soap (which I plan to do next month once I catch a demo at the KPL !), bread, and anything else that seems like it would make a nice gift….

If you live in this area and want to boost your chances of winning the book you can enter more ways than one!  And check out the photos of how the book was made if you want to make your own.  The video I followed is also included below and is an excellent resource.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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