Week 11 – Nov. 27
Previous week’s homework:
learn all imperfect (much easier than preterit). Advanced students – need to be at 80% or better on preterit or will do another quiz.
5:30-5:45 Reading, attendance, individual check-in.
5:45-6:15 Intro and review – What did you do this past week (review of preterit)
- More review of vocabulary (focus on family member terms)
- Students quiz each other (put vocabulary word up on screen while one partner faces away. Partner looking at screen describes that word in Spanish until other partner can guess. For example, if Tío is on screen the person says something like “ el hermano de mi padre” or “el padre de mi primo” )
- https://quizlet.com/ca/248134275/nov-29-la-familia-flash-cards/
6:15-6:25 Review Imperfect
6:25-6:45 Speaking – interview partners about things they did with their family when they were younger. Look at questions from imperfect handout from several weeks ago. Then choose 3-4 questions that you find interesting (or make up your own).
The goal now is to get some repetition. Students take turns talking with multiple partners, also taking turns being the “question asker.” Students do not need to write down what their partners say but they should try to pay attention and learn a bit about their classmates.
7:00-7:15 (Didn’t get to this) Kahoot https://create.kahoot.it/details/duplicate-of-spanish-imperfect/bd96d522-44da-41c8-bd95-386d410e9ade
7:15-8:00 Reading Cajas de Cartón chapter 3 – “De Dentro Hacia Afuera”
8:00-8:15 Canción – Mi Familia
8:15-8:30 conclusion – fiesta en dos semanas