Locavore Meal Plan – Mid March

The big news around here is that our third son was born on March 7th, in the wee hours of the morning.  I realize I hadn’t shared on this blog that we were expecting and I’m not really sure why. I think as a male blogger I don’t always share about myself as much as I could.  Anyways, we weren’t trying to keep it a secret, and now that he’s arrived it’s definitely newsworthy!

new baby and a meal plan

We had not found out if we were having a boy or a girl but seeing as we have two already assumed this would be another boy.  Obviously, we were right.  I was actually on the phone calling a friend when he came out and I essentially narrated his birth.  It was a very simple narration, not really worth reprinting. along the lines of, “um, yeah, we think he’ll be born soon, OH it’s a BOY, oh MAN, it’s DEFinitely a BOY!â€Â  I then realized I needed to get off the phone.

new baby and a meal plan

He was our first child born in the comfort of our home and it was a great experience.  Our other two boys slept through the whole thing while we were in the next room with our midwife and her student.  Madame had woke me up at midnight telling me she had been having contractions since going to bed.  “Right on,” I said.  We then called our midwife who told us to take a bath (well, for Madame to) and update her in an hour.  The contractions kept coming so at about 2 am the midwife came, followed shortly by her student.  I made some tea and we camped out around Madame in our bedroom, which was transformed into a delivery room with a all sorts of medical devices and such, few of which would end up being needed.  Around 4 am her water broke and by 4:06 he was born.  It was fast!  Everything went well, I cut the cord, he was weighed (8 lb 2 oz) and by 5:30 am we were alone with our new son, and even went back to bed, only to be awoken less than an hour later by our boys who had finally realized something was going on and were rather confused about how their new baby brother had arrived!

new baby and a meal plan

We rode the first three days on the rush of adrenalin and excitement, enjoying meals brought to us by dear friends (thank you wonderful friends!!).  However, by Monday we were exhausted and grumpy and the day climaxed with a fairly decent argument (about money of course) that left us realizing something was off.  Aren’t you supposed to be full of love and family unity after the birth of a child?  After calming down we talked things through and decided something needed to change, namely our attitudes.  Tuesday was an improvement and since then everything has been going much better.

new baby and a meal plan

what to expect

Since it was March Break (Spring Break) for our young assistant we tried to make sure we did lots of fun activities, so the boys and I went to the pool, we all went to the library for a program, we had a movie day with friends, and even went to a science/magic show in Cambridge.

new baby and a meal plan new baby and a meal plan

My mom arrived Friday night and after a relaxing weekend we’re trying to decide how to make the most of her visit.  My goal is to get as many freezer meals put away as possible for when the help from friends and family has subsided.  And while we have all this help we will try to live in the present and soak up the wonderful moments that we might not experience ever again (yes, I’m suggesting that this will be our last child, three boys is plenty!).

new baby and a meal plan

Now we are five!

The meal plan is based on two library books we picked up, one written by the folks at The Stop in Toronto, Good Food For All , the other from our new favorite vegetarian author, Rose Elliot, The New Complete Vegetarian  ( at Waterloo Public Library ).  Sadly Good Food For All is not widely available, but you can check your local library ( Waterloo’s has it ) or get in touch with The Stop .

southern ontario locavore meal plan Locavore Meal Plan for Mid-March, linking at Menu Plan Monday :

  • Quinoa with Asparagus, Peas and Feta  Good Food For All p.24
  • Salad
  • Red Lentil and Carrot Soup from  Good Food For All p.124
  • Cheddar Muffins Good Food For All  p.22
  • Leftover Spaghetti
  • Salad
  • Carrot, Potato and Pea Curry from New Complete Vegetarian p.238
  • Dal  from New Complete Vegetarian p.194
  • Rice
  • Lentil and Cheese Croquettes in a Chili Tomato Sauce from  New Complete Vegetarian p.193-4
  • Ginger Glazed Carrots
  • Salad
  • Butternut Soup
  • Fresh Bread
  • Leftovers
  • Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Squares from Good Food For All p.118
  • Apple walnut muffins from Good Food For All p.152