Homebrew KW – Making Beer in Kitchener Waterloo

The Local Kitchener formerly sold basic homebrewing ingredients: malts, grains,  hops and dry yeasts for local pickup in Kitchener/Waterloo.   We have stopped, but if you’re looking for ingredients and supplies we recommend and support Short Finger Brewing in Waterloo.

Need some help getting started?  Maybe you’d be interested in beginning with small (4-6 litre) batches.  You can read more about it in this downloadable PDF: Small Batch Beer Brewing .  Send me an email (jon [at] localkitchener [dot] ca) if you have any questions about getting started!  You can also find a local homebrew club, like True Grist or the KW Craft Beer Club and meet up with other local homebrewers and lovers of beer.

short finger

You can also read a few blog posts The Local Kitchener has written about brewing:

Need some recipe inspiration?  Just ask for help putting together your own recipe, either from scratch or based on a particular favourite beer of yours!  Or check out a few of my recipes !

Other documents and resources: