How to stay updated with The Local Kitchener

In case you were wondering….

There are a few ways to stay up-to-date with The Local Kitchener.  Here they are:

One .  Just check the site on a regular basis.  This is probably not too reliable, but at least there’s no commitment!

Two . Sign up for email updates .  This means getting a monthly email with a link to a few posts.  This works pretty well, at least if you like email.  You can even subscribe to our mailing list right here:

Three . Like us on Facebook .  This is good but Facebook is a bit weird because it doesn’t always show everybody everything.  For example sometimes a new post is only shown to about 5% of the people who like the page. Nonetheless, it’s very user-friendly and is a decent way of staying connected.  (Click over there on the right, down a ways to like the site without leaving.)

facebook page

Four . Follow on Twitter .  To be honest I’m not sure this is really that useful since Twitter is so crowded with information.  Although maybe the problem is that I just am not very good at tweeting!  Still, it’s an option for updates so go for it.

twitter page

Five .  Use an RSS site of some sort like BlogLovin’ .  I like this method, it presents all the blogs you follow in a nice layout. Follow my blog with Bloglovin !

Cheers and Happy Easter.
