Plan to Cook

We had some plans….  And now we have new plans!

Speaking of plans, you might recall that I used to always share my meal plans on this blog.  Well, after falling on to some bad habits with meal planning in the past year(s) I decided to make an accountability partner of sorts by using chalkboard paint to make a meal plan chalkboard on the wall in the kitchen.  It has worked so well that since putting it up we’ve had a meal plan every week since the new year began. Â

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Not only has the meal chalkboard helped us to remember to plan our meals but it’s also helped to greatly reduce the “what’s for dinner” question that our kids so love to ask.  Now they just wander through the kitchen and look up on the wall and for the most part keep their positive (or more often, negative) reaction to themselves.

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To try to make this quarantine week a bit more fun we had each kid choose a meal.  The result is a pretty obviously kid-friendly week of meals.  Luckily the grownups in the house like this food too.

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Each kid will help prepare the meal they’ve chosen so that begins tonight with the tomato soup and grilled cheese.

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We are picturing the next three weeks to be filled with lots of cooking, reading, playing of games, playing in the backyard, doing a bit of “school,” coloring, Legos, listening to audiobooks, and whatever else we can think of.  What are you doing for this “break?”

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