Two True Spring Pizzas

This got a bit experimental, which is how I like my pizza.  Although to be honest, with the internet these days nothing is really that experimental.  I shared the recipe for Shaved Asparagus Pizza with Rhubarb Vinegar and Rhubarb Cranberry Goat Cheese Pizza at Foodlink, which is a non-profit organization working to promote local food.  Here are some extra pictures:

Shaved Asparagus Pizza with Rhubarb Vinegar – Recipe PDF

asparagus rhubarb vinegar pizza

Inspiration for Rhubarb Vinegar with Asparagus from Food Network and  Shaved Asparagus Pizza from Smitten Kitchen

Rhubarb Cranberry Goat Cheese Pizza – Recipe PDF

rhubarb cranberry goat cheese pizza

Inspiration for honey-glazed rhubarb from Brooklyn Locavore

And finally, my assistant, hard at work grating cheese (and yes, that’s pepperoni on the cutting board for the “kid” pizza, what can I say, kids just love their pepperoni, but at least it’s from a local company):
