The Beetster Egg– Celebrating Good Friday and Easter in Sandwich Form

 The idea for this sandwich has been bouncing around in my mind for the last month.  It was what I setting out to make a week ago but instead diverged a bit and wound up with the sandwich featured in my previous post, The Beet Goes On …. Anyhow, I finally made the originally planned version today for lunch, see:

beetster egg sandwich

This sandwich is largely symbolic.  As Lent comes to a close our family is happily anticipating Easter, when the time of giving things up will come to an end.  The roasted beets in this sandwich represent the blood shed by Christ on Good Friday, while the egg is the new life celebrated at Easter.  I know it’s a bit of stretch for a random sandwich to represent all that, but hey, it’s what I was thinking about while making it.

beetster egg sandwich

I’m not going to lie and say it was the best sandwich ever, but it was good, and very unique.  I’m still trying to think of what would be the best cheese to pair with the egg and beet.  In my first version today I used brie and mild cheddar.  The brie was good, but I think the mild cheddar was the wrong choice.  A much sharper cheddar would be ideal as it would better compliment the sweetness of the roasted beet.

beetster egg sandwich

Anyways, try your own Beetster Egg Sandwich and make your own adjustments!   I’m going to try making it again in a few days and try out different cheeses, so I’ll update this if need be.  Let me know if you try it what you think!

beetster egg sandwich

The Beetster Egg Sandwich
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
A sandwich for Good Friday and Easter!
  • 1 beet, peeled and sliced in ¼ inch rounds
  • 1 egg, fried
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1-2 slices of sharp cheddar
  • Olive oil, for roasting beets
  • Butter, for frying sandwich
  1. Preheat the oven to 400. Slice the beets and toss them in a bowl with a few glugs of olive oil.
  2. Roast the beets on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes, or until they begin to get crispy on the edges.
  3. When the beets are almost done fry the egg. Put the slices of cheese on one piece of bread, topped with the roasted beets, and then the egg. Top with more cheese if you like, then the other slice of bread.
  4. Heat a bit of butter in a pan and fry the sandwich until nice and golden. Enjoy!

beetster egg sandwich