• About Jon Spee

    Preferring to refer to himself in blogland as "The Kitchen'r," Jon is a stay-at-home dad, who up until a year ago was a Spanish teacher. He loves cooking, brewing beer, gardening, playing music, and living life from scratch.


    A January Meal Plan

    by  • January 5, 2015 • Weekly Menu • 2 Comments

    This meal plan is a bit out of our ordinary pattern and it’s mainly because we’re not at home.  We’ve been at my parent’s house—aka my childhood home—for the last two weeks, and will be here the rest of this week before we hit the road for Oregon and California.  More on that later,...

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    Malty KWistmas Everyone!

    by  • December 8, 2014 • Fermented Beverages • 9 Comments

    Wow, has it really been two months since I posted??  Okay, so actually I’m not at all in shock about this because I was well aware of how long it had been.  Soooooooo.  Where was I? Remember that post a while back about finding the time?  Well when I added a few extra commitments (like...

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    Book Review and Giveaway: The Third Plate

    by  • October 3, 2014 • Books • 8 Comments

    The Third Plate 9

    Where We Began is not Really Where We Began The classic (North) American meal: a delicious, mouth-watering plate with a big piece of meat, preferably cooked on the grill, a potato or hunk of bread or ear of corn, and some small side of vegetables, like carrots or something else that most people like....

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    But how do you find the time?

    by  • September 5, 2014 • Kitchen'r Garden, Locals Only • 14 Comments

    “How do you guys find the time?”  At least one friend has asked us that.  Now that I think about it, we sometimes ask ourselves the question.  We don’t really have a good answer.  We often mumble something like “Well we make time for it.” But that doesn’t really seem like a good answer....

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    Locavore Meal Plan – Mid August

    by  • August 11, 2014 • Vegetarian, Weekly Menu • 1 Comment

    southern ontario meal plan wide

    Meal-planning is an important part of our week.  As locavores, it makes eating locally much easier because we take the time to figure out what seasonal foods are available and how we can use them.  If you live in a similar climate (we’re in Southern Ontario, which is a pretty classic upper-midwest climate) you...

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    Michael Smith’s Family Meals Review and Barley Kale Tabbouleh Recipe

    by  • August 6, 2014 • Kitchen'r Garden, Quick & Easy, Vegetarian • 0 Comments

    barley kale tabbouleh_1

    “It’s never optional.” Cooking, that is, and so Michael Smith begins his latest book, Family Meals (available now locally and on Amazon and Amazon.ca). I completely agree with him.  Feeding my family is one of my main responsibilities as a parent and the food that I give them should always be the best possible....

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